Sunday, March 2, 2014

Time Well Spent

“The better you know yourself, the better you can understand your own responses to the children and families you work with” (Derman-Sparks, 2010 p.13)

The quote above is something that will stay with me as I continue in the field of education. I have learned so much about myself throughout my coursework at Walden.  

Three deeply felt learning from this program

  •  Learning about the community that you serve is an effective way to provide instruction for your students. The more you know about the families you work with, the more you can understand your students. 
  •  Respecting the cultural differences of  others even when you might not agree with their beliefs is something that may occur as we do the work as educators. 
  •  Developing a community of people that you can go to for advice, to talk, to vent, to laugh, to cry, or to celebrate is important.

Long term goal...

I feel that I am now ready to enter the field of early childhood education. When I started the program I had expressed my desire to become an early childhood educator. While completing the program at Walden, I was able to pass the Early Childhood Praxis exam and became a certified early childhood educator. I know the coursework at Walden prepared me for this test. As a result of what I've learned, my long-term goal is to work in the field of early childhood for at least five years and then try to become an early childhood supervisor within my school system.

Farewell and Good Luck

I would like to thank Dr. Dartt for challenging me throughout my coursework at Walden. Your feedback made me think about things in a different way and challenged me to find more information about the topics we discussed. I had the pleasure of having you for three courses and I've learned a lot.

To my colleagues, I don't know about you but I wasn't initially sold on the on-line classroom concept because I had never done it before. In the first couple of weeks I didn't really think I would like the form of communication in the discussion board but I can honestly say that I have learned so much from all of you. I hope that we can keep in touch. I have made some friendships that I know I will keep. I know that there are people that I can email or reach out to if I get stuck, have questions, need to vent, or celebrate.

Thesha's Information:

Work email:
Home email:


  1. Thesha,
    Here we are can you believe it? I absolutely loved your quote and it is so true. I have learned so much about myself during this time at Walden that has impacted me in so many positive ways and I am forever changed because of it. I remember our struggle in beginning of our journey in a strictly online classroom. I have enjoyed studying and learning from you and with you. Your passion and professionalism spoke volumes for you. You will be a welcomed addition to the early childhood field because there is always room for educators who love the work of empowering children and families and I learned that about you over the course of our Walden journey. I would really like to stay in contact with you. I will look you up on face book if that is ok, and please let me know when you begin your work in the field. I am excited for you and for the early childhood field. God Bless!

  2. Congradulations. See hard work and determination does pay well. (smile) you've made it.
