Saturday, April 6, 2013

Research Around the World

This week we were asked to find information about early childhood research trends around the world. This week I decided to gain information about what type of research is taking place in Europe. After going to the European Early Childhood Education Research Association website, I found an article about Introducing children’s perspectives and participation in research. I found this article interesting because this is what we are discussing in our course at this time. I was happy to see that several courses in Europe are acknowledging the fact that young children are capable of participating in research studies and can provide valuable information that can be used in the studies.
I don’t think I was surprised about the information that I learned. I was glad to learn that children’s involvement in research is viewed as important in America and around the world. I was especially pleased to see that the delicate topic of involving children in research is being discussed in other places around the world.
Some other noteworthy information I found was a link to the The Korea Institute of Child Care and Education the EECERA exchanges links with other countries who have an interest in research, policy, and practice related to young children and their families.

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  1. It is great to know that other countries are working to involve their children in research. They are learning from these experiences and when children are involved, they are more invested. While there is much to learn from research involving children, we must be careful that the research is ethical and safe. It is good to know that other countries are discussing these topics and approaching research so carefully!

  2. I, too, shared in your interest about the article you found because it really ties in with what we are learning in our course currently! It doesn't really get much better than that! It seems as though the participation of children in research is a developing trend that seems to be occurring around the world, which is great! Thanks for sharing your findings!


  3. Yay! It is a great thing that we now value what young children say and do. Growing up as a young child where I'm from, children weren't look at as much of a valuable resource. Instead the adults were always the ones who taught the children and EVERYTHING "they" said, WENT! No ifs, ands, or buts about it. However, if we just stop and view children in a different light, we'll see that they have so much more to offer. I must say that I learn new things from my 2 yr old son everyday. There's never a dull moment. Thanks for sharing this comparison!
