Saturday, April 27, 2013

When I think of Research...

I think that I have gained a better understanding of how much goes into research and what good research if done in an ethical manner looks like. I have learned about the importance of making sure that before you complete any type of research with the participants in a study, they should have a clear understanding of what they will be a part of and know what role they will play in the study that is being conducted. “ Informed consent is based on the ethical view that all humans have the right to autonomy- that is the right to determine what is in their own best interest” (Mac Naughton, Rolfe, & Siraj Blatchford, 2010, p. 186).

Initially I was a little intimidated with reading a complete research study. I now know how to read the important components of the study so that I can fully identify what a researcher is trying to convey in their study.

My initial challenge was narrowing down my research topic so that I could be specific enough to formulate a good question.
As a result of this course I can now stay current on early childhood trends and research. I welcome the idea of applying research methods in my classroom. I’m looking forward to making the transition into early childhood. I feel that the knowledge I’ve gained on research methods can only enhance what I do in my classroom.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Research Around the World

This week we were asked to find information about early childhood research trends around the world. This week I decided to gain information about what type of research is taking place in Europe. After going to the European Early Childhood Education Research Association website, I found an article about Introducing children’s perspectives and participation in research. I found this article interesting because this is what we are discussing in our course at this time. I was happy to see that several courses in Europe are acknowledging the fact that young children are capable of participating in research studies and can provide valuable information that can be used in the studies.
I don’t think I was surprised about the information that I learned. I was glad to learn that children’s involvement in research is viewed as important in America and around the world. I was especially pleased to see that the delicate topic of involving children in research is being discussed in other places around the world.
Some other noteworthy information I found was a link to the The Korea Institute of Child Care and Education the EECERA exchanges links with other countries who have an interest in research, policy, and practice related to young children and their families.

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