Saturday, March 23, 2013

Research that Benefits Children and Families—Uplifting Stories

The article I found this week focuses on research that suggests that meaningful engagment of families who play an active role in supporting their children's learning during the early childhood years has lasting positive affects on student achievement.


Sunday, March 17, 2013

Personal Research Journey

This week we were asked to share what we will be doing for our research simulation. I would like research if i-pad technology has any benefits when used in the classroom setting for young children. I really think that this topic is too broad. I'm still trying to wrap my head around this research course and I'm starting to feel overwhelmed. If anyone has any suggestions I welcome them. Thanks.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Final Blog Assignment- Issues and Trends in Early Childhood


This week we were asked to think of three consequences of learning about the international early childhood field. Unfortunately I was unable to make an international contact as I would have hoped to, but I was able to view the podcast and gained knowledge about what is happening around the world in the field of early childhood education. For this reason I think the following are three consequences of learning about EC around the world.

1. Gaining ideas about what is being done around the world to address children who are exposed to poverty during the early childhood years.

2.  Helping other nations by sending materials they may need to support their efforts to meet the needs of their children.

3. Awareness of how poverty is affecting early childhood age children around the world.